Running a daycare service can be the most rewarding experience in the world because it gives you the chance to work with young kids and prepare them for later life. You probably love watching youngsters mature and start making sense of the world around them, and you’re no doubt proud to be a part of that process, ensuring they understand what it means to be a talented and helpful individual. What you probably don’t love, however, is chasing up payments from parents or spending hours balancing your accounts, and thanks to modern daycare payment software, you no longer should.

Technology advances in leaps and bounds, and it’s simplified almost every aspect of our lives, and that includes the lives of busy child care staff. All you want to do in your capacity is be there for the children you’re responsible for, making daycare payment solutions that automate remedial tasks a lifesaver. Of course, you need to purchase software from a reliable developer with an esteemed reputation because you can’t have a system prone to errors. If you choose us, you can feel confident there won’t be any issues.

Here at QK Technologies, we develop a broad range of software solutions for child care services Australia wide, and we’re the market leaders in our industry. Our QikKids solution is currently being used by over 10,500 childcare services across Australia & New Zealand daily, and the QikPay platform, which seamlessly integrates with QikKids, makes it easy for millions of parents to make payments without having to use cash, and you’ll no longer need to chase them up to settle their bills. Continue reading below to learn more about the system which has revolutionised the way in which child care services accept payments.

The Benefits of Our QikPay Daycare Payment System

From automatically updating accounts in real time to making direct debits simple, here are just some of the main advantages of QikPay:

  • Secure and instant payments – The QikPay daycare payment service allows parents to make instant payments to your account, and because they can set up automatic direct debits, they’ll never miss a payment again. All our systems feature security measures to ensure data protection.
  • Flexible billing options – We know that some child care services need to have flexible payment choices for parents, whether it’s lump-sum advances or monthly billings. Our system allows you to create tailored billing options for your customers, with flexible payments made simple and the ability to pay with direct debit, credit card, BPAY and much more.
  • Minimised need to store cash on-site – For many reasons, you may not want to keep money on your premises, whether it’s for security or to keep things simple. Thanks to electronic billing, you won’t have to store cash on-site unless necessary, meaning fewer trips to the bank and easier record keeping.

Make Your Job Simpler

On top of everything, your accounts will be automatically updated when somebody either makes – or declines to make – payment, and this combined with the benefits above will give you extra hours to spend doing what you love. Contact us today for more information.

Article by QikKids

First published: 24 May 2019

Last updated: 16 September 2024