Operating a childcare system can be stressful work. There are many factors to keep track of tasks such as bookings, cancellations, payments, waiting lists, enrolments, and more. At first glance, these elements can be overwhelming, especially if you do not have the tools required to address them adequately. Luckily, QK Technologies has the childcare software you need to manage these aspects of the industry easily.
QikKids is our core childcare service program, and it acts as an attendance system, makes compiling and reading reports easier, provides detailed records, and can manage multiple centres through a single database. Over 10,500 centres across Australia & New Zealand use this product, so you can trust that it will meet your management needs.
The largest benefit of QikKids, however, is its ability to seamlessly integrate enhancements that add to its already impressive range of capabilities. These improvements include payment options, educational progress assistance, and the capacity to allow digital check-ins and check-outs to save busy parents time. Any childcare service can effortlessly reap the benefits of our programs.
We strive to offer our clients a variety of reliable childcare solutions for a range of possible situations. We understand that you have a great responsibility to the parents of the children you look after, and we want to help you meet that responsibility.
Excellent Childcare Software Training
Any new technology requires training, and our childcare software is no exception. However, our programs are easy to learn and use. We offer full online support for all our programs, and we also have several training videos for you to watch. We want you to be as comfortable as possible when you choose our products for your childcare system.
We show you how to set up the programs, integrate the enhancements into the core program, and how to use the entire package. Additionally, we teach you how to create custom forms, automate reports, and establish auto messages. When you purchase our products, you can trust you will receive our full support when it comes to making them meet your childcare solutions expectations.
Save Time and Money
Child care services can be expensive to operate, which is why finding money-saving childcare solutions that do not sacrifice quality is essential. Our computer programs offer you the ability to reduce operational costs while using your time to focus on those under your care.
Think about how much time is used during check-in and check-out. Now think about how this time could be better used by your staff to provide the quality your clients expect. Our software packages help streamline many of the administrative duties you need to perform, increasing the efficiency of your service.
Billing is another area that can take an inordinate amount of time and energy, but you can avoid that with our QikPay program. This program offers online payment options and makes keeping track of payments and outstanding balances a breeze. Additionally, it creates payment reports that are readily available and readable, so if you do encounter a billing question, you can find the answer immediately.
QK Technologies has been in the business of increasing the quality of childcare service in Australia for a decade and a half, and in that time, we have built a reputation as a company you can trust. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

by QikKids
First published: 24 May 2019
Written by: QikKids