• Activate QikKids Trusted Partners integration

    Please complete this form to activate the integration with the selected QikKids Trusted Partner

  • This form is to authorise QikKids to activate the integration of your QikKids data with the QikKids Trusted Partner of your choice. By completing this form you acknowledge that you are authorised to act on behalf of your childcare service/s knowing that QikKids will then share confidential information with the chosen partner including child and parent details and details about your service such as service name, roll names and other information. While you may only be utilising the Trusted Partners services on 1 service on your QikKids database, the integration will provide the Trusted Partner with access to all services on your QikKids database.

    Once you have submitted this form, we will provide you with an email once activated for you to share with your Trusted Partner.