Changes to the NQF changes have arrived—check them out!

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Get up to speed on the changes to the National Quality Framework and what they mean for your service.

Our guide highlights several updates, including:

Get practical Quality Area 6 tips on how to form solid relationships at your service, including how to:

  • Clear provisions for written policies for transportation guidelines and first aid from the service
  • Increased focus on the qualifications of educators to improve the care being given
  • A new policy regarding reassessments and an introduction of an assessment timeline
  • Emphasis on a comprehensive record-keeping initiative for providers and family day care educators
  • Changes to quality areas, including staffing requirements, transportation lists and first aid training

With the updated NQF guidelines already in effect, your service can use our guide to improve the following:

Educator qualification

A government-guided process will be in place to ensure that staff in your service pursuing qualifications are progressing satisfactorily.

Use of inclusive language

Instead of referring to people based on their disability or other identifying characteristics, the new changes emphasise using language that puts the person first.

Partial reassessments

Current trends, risks or changes in the service can now be a reason for partial reassessments to maintain the quality of education